Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We Were On A Break

I'm taking a bloggin' break, kids. But here's a little something to try and encourage good baseball karma in my absence.



Stefanie said...

You too? Man, it really is an epidemic.

I'll miss you, but since I haven't posted in over a week myself, I really can't fault you for taking time off.

Take care, Red.

She's a big star said...

I can not tell a lie...I'm pretty sad about this.

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself Red! You do deserve a break, and will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Red, this is very sad. Not sure where I'm going to get my quality entertainment while I'm away...

I hope you feel better.

Cute picture!

Red said...

Aww, thanks guys. I'll be back soon, just need to recharge the batteries. :)

Allie said...

It's been a week and I'm definitely going through withdrawals...
