Wednesday, March 29, 2006

a bunch of swatch dogs and diet coke heads

I literally don't know what to say about this. Except maybe that if you're pissed at someone you knew twelve years ago, don't send them an angry message via Friendster, of all things. Because you're only going to 1) confuse them, 2) scare them a little, and 3) end up in their blog. The funny thing is that I was so not one of those people that was mean in high school! So I consulted with someone who would know.

To: Peter
From: Red
I got a Friendster message from Guy I Sort of Used to Know telling me I was mean to him in high school. Oh my GOD! Can you think of how/why he'd tell me this? And now?

To: Red
From: Peter
That's all he said? Have you talked since high school besides this message? That is very weird. Did you respond to him?

To: Peter
From: Red
Not yet...I'm not really sure what to say. I didn't know him that well. He was two years behind us. His Brother (remember him? I think he was the same year as Your Brother) drove him to my house my junior year and he gave me a stuffed cow as a Christmas present. I wasn't really sure how to respond. Maybe this is all retribution for the unappreciated cow? Do you think I should write back?

To: Red
From: Peter
It sounds like he really liked you (cow) and obviously has been thinking about this enough to get in touch with you. I totally knew His Brother, he was friends with My Brother. It is pretty weird though. I wonder what he wants from you? Some kind of apology or something? Maybe he just had to get it off his chest. Did he ask you to write back or anything? Where does he
live now? Are you on myspace?

[Ha. I love Peter.]

To: Peter
From: Red
I don't think he likes me at all (cow notwithstanding). It would appear that he actually sort of hates me. I can't believe I offended him so much that he remembers it NOW. It actually sort of makes me feel terrible. And did I tell you that Boyfriend who Became a Woman dissed me in her blog? I just blogged about it! WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME? Sniff.
No, I'm not on myspace. It seems kind of depressing. Are you?

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